L&D Pillows in Molly's House

We have pillows! Yay! It feels like such an accomplishment to us to have created our own textiles.  It's something we dreamed about, but didn't know if it would become a reality for us or not. We are currently only selling our pillows to our clients and at special events, but hope to in the future sell them on our website and wholesale.  Right now, we are in a trial phase, figuring out which pillows we use the most in our clients homes, and creating new patterns to see which ones fit together the best for our line.  Thanks for being patient with us as we navigate what's next for Light and Dwell Textiles!

Here's a look at our first batch of pillows in Molly's Home!


BEDROOM: L&D Fir Gingham and Sand Stripe Pillows / Lamps / Side Table (Similar)

NURSERY: L&D Solid Fir, Solid Navy, Gray Gingham, Navy Stripe Pillows / Shelf (Similar) / Frame / Crib (Similar) 

LIVING ROOM: L&D Navy Gingham, Black Aztec, Solid Fir, Sand Stripe Pillows / Sectional / Chair (Similar) / Rug (Similar)  / Coffee Table (Similar)