Acts of Kindness

Right now is a great time to share an act of kindness! We’ve gathered up some ideas on how you can spread joy while being at home! Sharing a homemade bouquet, bread basket or letter might be the perfect way to encourage your friends & family! Check out some ideas below!

1. Share a bouquet from wildflowers & twigs!

  • Molly made her friend a wildflower bouquet while being at home! Make sure to check out our “DIY” highlight on Instagram for tips & tricks!

VIA Light & Dwell

Planters we love! (click to shop):

2. Make some bread and bring it to a neighbor!

  • Here is a sourdough recipe. Look below for some of our favorite baskets & towels!

Baskets & Cloths (click to shop):

3. Write a kind note to encourage a friend!

Stationary favorites (click to shop)!

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