Archive XXXVI

Visit to Sisters, Antiquing, Upcoming trip to NYC, Project Updates, and June Covets

Traveled over the mountain for a day this past week to get my haircut and have a business meeting with Aymee. Having her in Central Oregon while her house is being remodeled in the valley has made our work times together that much more important and intentional. Can you believe it’s been SIX YEARS? Hard to believe we’ve been in business that long!

Went Antiquing last weekend, and found some amazing things! I’m always on the hunt for timeless pieces that will stand the test of time. My antiquing rules: Nothing trendy, nothing shiny, and nothing that hasn’t been around for at least a few decades. I always have my eye out for scallops, natural worn wood pieces (European), patina’d brass anything, and of course, vintage Levis. Happy to report, I did hit the jackpot with some denim, I left with two new (well old) pairs!

Heading to NYC in a few weeks! Tell me everything I need to know! A newbie here! Following one of our designers, Janes, travel guide. Check it out here! We also love using Goop’s travel guides. They have so many fun ones for weekend getaways in the big apple.

Some items I plan on packing…

In the world of project updates, these next few weeks should start getting exciting! We have a few projects that have been in the framing/drywall phase for a few months, so not a ton of new things to share! But, what we do have, we are excited about!

Like what you see? Head to our new services page and let’s chat about your project!

Did you catch up on our latest blog series? This month’s covets are ones you don’t want to miss!

Have a great weekend! Headed to the coast for a few days now that schools out for summer! Comment your favorite part about this blog post below!
